May 22nd - 26th


The students really enjoyed meeting the new classmates this week!
We did lots of looking closely and inquiring about our special fuzzy friends.

Learning Outcome:
- children demonstrate curiosity, interest and a willingness to learn about the environment and community
- children explore familiar places and things in the environment and community
- children identify and create repeating patterns

I Can:
- explore and investigate objects and events in the environment
- demonstrate awareness of the properties of objects and events in the environment by describing some properties
- become aware of the relationship between cause and effect
- recognize familiar animals (insects) and their characteristics and surroundings
- predict the next element in a repeating pattern

Here are a few things we noticed and wondered about our caterpillars...

May 15th - 19th


This week we focused on the WH Question words - 

Who  *  What  *  Where  *  When  *  Why

Learning Intention: 

- Children demonstrate understandings of messages communicated in texts

- Children learn that understanding messages in texts involves asking and answering questions

I Can:

- Ask questions that clarify ideas or information in texts

- Answer questions about ideas or information in texts

Students have been working hard on learning about and using WH Question words in a variety of ways such as during our 'talk times' and when listening to stories.  After reading the book Swimmy by Leo Lionni, students drew a picture as well as answered and asked questions about the story. 

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We also used WH Questions when looking closely at this beautiful piece of art!

Here are some questions from the TTH class about this artifact:

And here are some questions from the MW class:

We will definitely continue to work on our questioning skills over the next few weeks as we start to wonder and inquire about our interesting new classmates that arrived Friday afternoon!

May 8th - 12th


Wishing all you amazing Kindergarten Moms a very happy day celebrating all the wonderful things about being a mom!

It was a busy but fun week with our Trickster residency! Our tricksters - Logan and Eric - worked very hard with us teaching us about many important theatre skills and strategies like; using a strong voice, facing the audience and being expressive with our face and body movements. We had tons of fun being earth heroes for Fish Creek Park as well as our own Andrew Sibbald Learning Grounds! And just to be clear...the cougar thing was not my idea!!!

Learning Intention:
- children explore feelings and emotions
- children explore self-expression through creative thought, language, art, movement, music and drama

I Can:
- use imagination creatively in dramatic play
- identify strategies to recognize and respond to feelings and emotions in a variety of situations


May 1st - 5th


We took advantage of the beautiful weather this past week and spent time uncovering lots of math in our learning grounds! 

Learning Intention:
  • Children develop appropriate grammar in oral language and experiment with spelling in written messages

I Can:
  • copy environmental print to become familiar with how words are spelled
  • say words slowly to help hear the individual sounds in words
  • attempt to spell unknown words using letter-sound relationships

Students have been working hard on their 'sounding out' skills by slowly stretching the words they want to print so they can hear the different letter sounds. We call this 'Kid Writing' and encourage them to write the letters for the sounds they hear. Students are also becoming more fluent with copying environmental print from around the room.