June 19th - 23rd


We had the most wonderful time down in Fish Creek Park this week! We were inspired by Frank Serafini's book - Looking Closely Through The Forest - and did lots of our own looking closely! While enjoying our time connecting to the land, we discovered many different treasures...dew drops on leaves, interestingly shaped rocks, flower patterns, mossy trees, flying and crawling insects, quick spiders, a mama duck with her 4 little ducklings and so much more! It was great to hear the students making observations, connecting to background knowledge as well as asking thoughtful questions.

Learning Intentions:

  • The child demonstrates curiosity, interest and a willingness to learn about the environment and community

I Can:

  • Explore and investigate objects in the environment
  • Show awareness of similarities and differences in living things, objects and materials
  • Demonstrate awareness of the properties of objects and events in the environment by describing some properties, matching objects or events as being the same as or going together, distinguishing between similar objects based on one or more characteristics
  • Become aware of the relationship between cause and effect

June 12th - 16th


Wishing all you amazing Kindergarten Dads a very happy day celebrating all the wonderful things about being a dad!

It was an exciting week celebrating the Andrew Sibbald Summer Games! 
During our gym classes, all grades participated in a variety of 'sports day' activities focusing on teamwork, perseverance and fun! The MW class enjoyed the javelin throw and the rubber chicken relay, while the TTH class had lots of fun with the torch relay and beachball pass! Ask your child to tell you all about these awesome events that were planned and organized by our sports day committee.

Learning Intention:
- children explore physical activity in a variety of contexts
- children investigate movement of the body
- children explore fair play through a variety of physical activities

I Can:
- perform locomotor and non-locomotor activities in alternative environments using a variety of equipment
- demonstrate the basic skills of movement in a variety of environments using various equipment
- follow physical activity rules and play fair
- work in a team and listen to and follow directions 
- participate in and attempt challenging movements and activities

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June 5th - 9th


What an awesome week it was in Kindergarten! We were VERY excited to meet the first of our butterfly friends on Monday and then enjoyed meeting more and more each day! 

Learning Intention:
- the child demonstrates curiosity, interest and a willingness to learn about the environment

I Can:
- explore and investigate objects and events in the environment
- show awareness of similarities and differences in living things
- demonstrate awareness of properties of objects and events in the environment by
  • describing some properties
  • arranging objects or events in logical order
  • distinguishing between similar objects based on one or more characteristics

We discovered that we had Painted Lady Butterflies!

Butterfly Art for the Volunteer Tea

Even though we had just welcomed our fascinating butterfly friends, we knew we had to say goodbye and set them free to live out in nature where they belonged. We carefully carried them in their Kindergarten habitat to our Learning Grounds where we gathered around them to remember their remarkable journey and admire their beauty one last time.

May 29 - June 2


It was a wonderful week in Kindergarten!

Learning Intention:
- children investigate quantity to 10
- children interpret compositions of quantities within 10

I Can:
- represent a quantity in different ways
- identify a quantity in various groups or arrangements

One of the math frameworks students have been engaging in recently is using counting jars. This activity provides a process for the students to build relationships, have choice, encourage reflection and is playful. Using the counting jars helps strengthen our number sense as well as provides and opportunity to practice a variety of counting strategies such as touch and count, sorting objects into smaller groups, making a line, or counting by 2's. Students record their math work in their journals by drawing the counting collection and showing their math thinking. 

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We were super excited to discover that each of our caterpillars had transitioned to the next stage in their lifecycle and were now in their chrysalis.